How Do Red Meat And Its Products Cause Cancer?

How Do Red Meat And Its Products Cause Cancer?

March 8, 2021 0 By Veronika

Researchers are still trying to figure out exactly how red meat and its products cause the appearance of cancer cells, but the main suspects are certain chemicals that can be found in meat.

Problems with red meat begin when a chemical called heme (a component of the red pigment in the blood – hemoglobin) begins to break down in our gut where it creates other chemical bonds called N-nitroso that have been found to damage the cells lining the gut and cause others to cells multiply rapidly to repair damage. This “extra” need for replication leads to an increased chance of DNA errors, which is the first step on the road to cancer.

Also, the appearance of cancer cells can be caused by a certain way of heat treatment. Thus, it has been established that roasting red meat at high temperatures, either on the grill or on the grill, releases more harmful connections compared to other types of meat. The BBC states that meat is processed in a way that prolongs its shelf life or taste, by smoking, hardening, adding salt or preservatives – which also links the risk.

Meat products are classified as “definitive” causes of cancer and belong to the “first group of carcinogens”, the same in which smoking and alcohol are already present. Red meat carcinogens as a “probable” cause of cancer belongs to the “second group of carcinogens” .

In the words of one of the experts on the causes of cancer, the IARC conducts “hazard identification” and not “risk assessment”, which means that the organization does not offer information about how strong the potential of something to cause cancer is, but simply that it exists.

Fans of red meat, which includes a large part of Serbs, including those who believe that bacon is a “cure for body and soul”, found themselves worried but also angry with the reports. As you can see, you don’t need to be a vegetarian (unless you want to). But you should definitely eat less and less meat, and eat more fiber, white meat and fish, which are not associated with any type of cancer.

The positive correlation between red meat consumption and cancer in the digestive tract has been proven through several studies, and so far we know that the reason is twofold: red meat and its products contain certain substances that can be considered carcinogenic, and also, these high-calorie foods can lead to obesity. It can indirectly cause cancer.

The method of meat preparation also has a great influence, so it is considered that high temperature – such as when grilling, then fried and roasted meat – causes the appearance of harmful substances such as HAAs and PAHs, which are considered to be the initiators of carcinogenic processes. One study showed, for example, that the frequency of consuming red meat has a much greater negative impact on health than the amount of meat eaten. Numerous studies cited in this paper also confirm the link between red meat consumption and other cancers, such as breast cancer and lung cancer. The red meat is connected to cancer such as coffee linked to cancer, there are very similarities between these two about cancer.

Namely, it does not mean much for the health of an individual whether or not to eat beef and pork.

Mortality is “only” 0.7 percent higher

In particular, if a thousand people reduced their red meat intake to three servings a week for the rest of their lives, they would die from cancer seven times less than they would if they did not make such a reduction in their diet. If they did 11 years of age, four fewer people would die from cancer.

During the same period, six fewer people would develop type 2 diabetes. But when it came to throwing out processed red meat, then 11 fewer of them would get sick. It cannot therefore be said that there are no benefits to eliminating red meat from the diet, but this group of scientists has concluded that the risks are not so great. They also believe that such recommendations should apply only to individuals.

Eating too much red meat and eating processed meat increases the risk of colon cancer. The advice is therefore not to eat more than 350-500 grams of red meat per week. It is better to eat processed meat as little as possible.

What is Red Meat?

Red meat includes meat from cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and other mammals such as deer and other game. This is called red meat because this meat looks red when raw. Also cooked meat from these animals is called red meat. This is in contrast to meat from chicken, turkey or other poultry which is white in color when it is raw and is therefore called white meat.

What is processed meat?

Processed meat is meat that has been processed by salting, smoking, drying or by adding preservatives. The purpose of this is to improve the taste and shelf life.

Examples of processed meat are cold cuts such as ham, salami and bacon, and certain types of sausage such as smoked sausage and frankfurters. Hamburgers and minced meat are processed meat when salt or other flavors and colors have been added. Fresh burgers or minced meat are not considered processed meat.