Top 7 Mistakes People Make When They Try To Live Healthily

Top 7 Mistakes People Make When They Try To Live Healthily

December 1, 2021 0 By Lorenzo Billie

Some adherents of a healthy lifestyle, despite all their efforts on the path to health, are faced with problems. These problems could have been avoided if they had not become hostages of common misconceptions and independent creators of very common mistakes. 

In addition, several pathologies, including autoimmune, inflammatory, thyroid diseases, are not so easy to defeat. Not even with proper nutrition and regular fitness classes, since there are some things that ordinary people do not know about.

Most Common Mistakes By Healthy Life Adherents

Here are some common mistakes made by several people.

  • Not Recognizing Intolerance To Certain Foods

What is good for one person can be dangerous for another. This rule is also true for products that make up the habitual diet of healthy lifestyle adherents.

For example, legumes (beans, chickpeas, etc.), grains, dairy products, nuts, and seeds contain lectins, which are naturally occurring proteins and glycoproteins. Some people who eat too many of these healthy, functional, healthy foods can develop inflammation and digestive problems.

Due to intolerance to certain types of food, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, many of those whose diet, in general, can be called healthy, unintentionally harm their own body. By drastically changing your diet, you can find out what your body loves and hates in a simple, empirical way (trial and error).


To understand whether a certain product or food group is causing an allergic reaction, insomnia, exacerbation of pathologies of the digestive system, etc., you can use short-term mono-diets. They allow you to test the effect of various products on the human body.

  • The Combination Of Healthy Lifestyle With Alcohol

As an adherent of a healthy lifestyle, you must follow all its principles. However, some adherents of a healthy lifestyle allow themselves to drink intoxicating alcoholic beverages regularly, considering that a small amount of alcohol is absolutely harmless and even beneficial for the body. This is the reason for the increased alcohol addiction problem in the US.

However, some States of The US has substance abuse problem more than others, and Rhode Island is one of them. The residents of Rhode Island, though, want to live a healthy life, but still many of them are addicted to alcohol, believing that a few glasses of vodka with friends are harmless. But in reality, this addiction can be deadly.


Limit the alcohol intake, and if you cannot do it yourself, you must get help. The good news for those residing in Rhode Island is that Rhode Island detox centers are one of the best in the States. These centers facilitate the addicts to recover and improve the quality of their lives. So get assistance from them today!

  • Too Many Natural Sweeteners

Natural sweeteners seem to be much healthier than their synthetic counterparts. Thus, there is a temptation for healthy lifestyle adherents to consume them too often and without restrictions. Popular natural substitutes for refined sugar, such as honey, are often touted as the best option for those on a healthy diet. 

However, at the same time, people often forget about this product’s high glycemic index and high-calorie content. And although it is definitely healthier than refined sugar and its synthetic substitutes, uncontrolled consumption of honey can lead to the development of fatty liver, insulin resistance, and other pathologies. The same goes for maple syrup, agave syrup, etc.


It’s important to use natural sweeteners in moderation. For example, honey can be consumed no more than two tablespoons per day.

  • Excessive Fitness Enthusiasm

Active training is an important part of any wellness program. Fitness awakens the body from the inside out to help relieve fatigue and restore energy. But it is very important to strike a balance between exercise and rest. After exercising, it takes time for muscle fibers to recover. 

Without allowing them to recover, it is possible to aggravate inflammation in the body. This, in turn, will negatively affect the immune system and contribute to the progression of adrenal fatigue. Depending on the needs for certain exercises and types of training, it takes a certain amount of time to recuperate.


  • Get in the habit of taking one or two days off every week.
  • Remember, the more energy a person spends on fitness, the longer it takes to recover.
  • Lack Of Sleep

Modern society is chronically busy. People are in constant search: what to do, where to visit, what to explore. And in the ever-increasing lists of urgent matters, less and less time is left for sleep. 

By skipping precious hours meant for a night’s rest, healthy lifestyle adherents are damaging their own health, even if they feel perfect during the day. After all, sleep is an opportunity to repair damaged body tissues and produce the necessary hormones.


  • All problems should be postponed a couple of hours before bedtime.
  • Unplug electronics, cell phones, etc.
  • Or, wear goggles to help protect against the blue light of electrical appliances to help relax your eyes and prepare for a night’s rest.
  • Scarcity Of The Menu

Each functional product has a completely original combination of nutrients in its composition. Therefore, by limiting oneself to a certain food group, a person deprives oneself of many amazing superfoods and the health benefits they provide.

By composing a balanced diet of a variety of fruits, vegetables, and other foods, you can get a full range of nutrients and support the immune system’s balance.


Try incorporating several new vegetables, fruits, and other organic foods each week to increase your nutrient intake and optimize your health.

  • Excess Protein In The Diet

Amino acids regulate metabolism and balance the immune system. Many of them are not able to be produced by the body on their own, so the diet should have enough proteins, which are their source. However, consuming too much protein regularly can have side effects.


Experts recommend a daily intake of 1.6 to 3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Take Away

We all want to live a healthy life, and for this, we follow healthy lifestyle rules. But still, many of us keep making some mistakes, which deteriorate the health and well-being of a person. We mentioned some of them in this article to help you give them up and live a longer life.