Benefits of vitamin D2

Benefits of vitamin D2

May 12, 2021 0 By Rajesh

In order to gain the health benefits of vitamin D, one needs to obtain adequate exposure to sunlight as the sunshine is the only natural source of this vitamin. A lot of people who live in areas where there is not much sunlight cannot benefit from the vitamin at all, whereas those living under the tropical sun can benefit to a large extent as the vitamin helps in strengthening the immune system as well as fighting skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis. The health benefits of vitamin D can also be obtained from eating vitamin-rich food which could be milk, eggs, fish etc. However, it has been found that the best source of vitamin D for overall health is still vitamin D rich water as 8 glasses of water a day to provide most of the vitamin D needed by the body.

However, while taking vitamin d3 for the health benefits, there are certain guidelines that must be followed. For one, the recommended dose of vitamin d3 is 400 international units per day. Also, one must avoid all types of vitamin d3 derivatives, such as calciferol, as these contain excessive amounts of vitamin d3 and thus they are actually harmful for the body. It is recommended to take vitamin d3 from naturally occurring sources, as synthesized vitamin d3 is avoided due to its toxic nature. Also, it should be kept in mind that in case of overdose, the patient may develop some serious complications. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult the doctor before taking vitamin d3 or any other type of vitamin for that matter.

While the scientists have succeeded in isolating some of the health benefits of vitamin d3, further researches are still underway to find out about the other health benefits of vitamin d3. As many other diseases also have a Vitamin D component, researchers are now trying to find out whether this vitamin also plays a part in the prevention of diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc. However, researches have not yet come up with concrete proof to prove the fact that vitamin d3 prevents the development of such diseases. But the research has shown that people who were regularly exposed to sun rays in their early childhood had more chances of being exposed to certain cancers later on, than people who had avoided the sun rays during their childhood.