Can You Drink Milk With Invisalign?

Can You Drink Milk With Invisalign?

April 30, 2021 0 By Rajesh

Although drinking cow’s milk with invisalign is fine, it can actually cause more teeth problems if you wear your invisalign aligner mouthpiece incorrectly. This usually happens when people switch from using the metal aligner to the wooden aligner, which isn’t recommended. This is because although both types of aligners are designed to be worn in your mouth, people often change their minds and decide to switch back to wearing metal braces.

Although drinking cow’s milk with your removable aligners might not stain your teeth, but often when you wear your aligner without rinsing your mouth afterward, it can cause teeth bacteria to grow, which can then create cavities. To prevent this from happening, the golden rule is to rinse your mouth immediately after drinking any hot drinks, especially sodas and coffee. Not only are hot drinks very acidic and can damage your teeth and aligner, but they also contain certain ingredients which acidify your mouth and cause cavities. So, the perfect rule of thumb is to rinse your mouth immediately after drinking any hot drinks, especially sodas and coffee.

Another thing you need to remember about drinking alcohol is that drinking alcohol is extremely dangerous. Not only can it cause your teeth to become discolored and weak but drinking alcohol on a regular basis can also cause you to develop serious health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. It is very important to always stay away from drinking alcohol, no matter which type it is. However, if you are just drinking moderately and want to switch to removable aligners, then drinking alcohol while wearing your removable aligners is fine. However, if you are a heavy drinker, it is strongly recommended that you stay away from drinking alcohol at all costs, even if you are wearing your aligner. This is because your removable aligner may wear off before your body would eventually get used to the amount of alcohol you are regularly consuming.