Variations of bodyweight squats.

Variations of bodyweight squats.

May 8, 2021 0 By Rajesh

Bodyweight squats have become very popular with athletes, coaches and with the average person that want to improve their exercise. Just as other squats increase your vertical leap and calf muscles, they work your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. People that do not regularly perform squats are missing out on one of the most powerful exercises known to man. Even if you are a big strong man, you can use variations of bodyweight squats to add inches to your height.

While performing the squat exercise proper form should be done and any movement should feel solid and be balanced. To get a full range of motion in the squat you need to squat with your legs slightly more in line with the width of your hips than your knees. As your squat gets more efficient and starts getting stronger the weights you use can be progressively increased to help you reach your goals.

Many squats start out at around fifty to seventy pounds. You will find that your squat is not very difficult when you get a good technique down. Once you have the hang of it you can start to vary it by adding weights to the bar. Your first workout should be around ten pounds. This will allow you to get a good range of motion and build your endurance.

Try to not increase the weights too quickly or you will tire out. As you get stronger you can raise the weights a little bit at a time. You will also want to do some basic lunges, ankle twists and knee bend to get an idea of what you can do with variations of the squat exercise.

If you want to increase your vertical leap then you should focus on working your hip flexors and gluteus maximus more than your quads. To do variations of bodyweight squats you should focus on balancing yourself while you are in the squat position. Squatting down and standing up will help you balance out your upper body. Also focus on keeping your knees slightly bent and elbows pointing straight ahead during your squats.

The last variation of the squat exercise we are going to discuss is the full squat. This is another very powerful variation of the squat exercise that will really blast your legs. To do the full squat, you will want to lie on your back with both your hands flat on the ground. You will then squat your hips one inch forward and down. This will utilize all the muscles in your legs and put them to work. Try to keep the weight off your heels and keep your elbows pointing straight ahead.