What is hypochloric acid – and why should you add it to your skin care routine right now?

What is hypochloric acid – and why should you add it to your skin care routine right now?

May 5, 2021 0 By Rajesh

You might get used to salicylic acid for acne, glycolic acid to exfoliate skin, and hyaluronic acid for hydration, but what about buzzy material, hypochlor acid? While the ingredients are not exactly new, it gets an attraction during the pandemic, thanks to the disinfectant property.

And the hype is real: not only hypochlor acid acts as an anti-inflammatory for skin conditions and wound care, but has also proven effective against Covid-19. Intrigued to learn more about hypochlor acid? Read on for experts what must be said about versatile material, both for your skin.

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What is the hypochlor acid?

“Hypoclor Acid (HOCL) is a natural molecule in the body created by our white blood cells to fend off infection, bacteria, and injury to the skin,” said Joel Schlesser, MD, Dermatologist and Sedren Cosmetics, and Skin President .com. It works by supplying cells with oxygen to help the body’s natural healing process, explaining Diane Madfes, MD, a dermatologist based in New York and assistant professor dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

Made from hydrogen, oxygen, and chlorine (HOCL), these antimicrobials and anti-inflammation, Note Suzanne Friedler, MD, a dermatologist with a sophisticated PC dermatology. So, it is not surprising that this versatile material with the nature of healing has an application in skin care (more on it soon) and in the health care industry.

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How can hypochlor acid benefit your skin?

Fast skin conditions Lessons: “Skin that is susceptible to skin conditions, such as eczema or acne, the port is more bacteria and hence vulnerable to more infections,” Dr. Friedler. Anti-inflammatory effects of hypochlor acid make it useful for fighting struggling, soothing skin, and repairing damage. HOCL breaks the grouping of bacteria, which can cause less flares up and offer healing, he added.

If you have sensitive and careful skin about introducing new ingredients into your routine, you don’t need to worry about Hocl. Because the hypochlor acid that occurs naturally in the body, it is not annoying and the ideal treatment for all skin types, shows Dr. Schlessinger. Not to mention, it can overcome itching and reduce redness and peel the skin because of eczema, psoriasis, or zits, add Dr. Friedler.

Because the hypochlor acid kills bacteria that lead to infection (such as staph), it also accelerates the healing process, said Dr. Madfes. In dermatology, this is the most common post-procedure procedure, such as after microdermabrasion, chemical skin, or laser treatment.

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How do I work hypochlor acid against Covid-19?

What makes hypochlor acid different from other skin care materials is very strong in destroying bacteria and viruses, noting Dr. Schlessinger. In fact, research has shown that this is a disinfectant that is effective against Coronavirus. “Unique properties of hypochlor acid are their ability to enter the wall of viral cells and react with cell metabolism, so that cells begin to die,” said Jeanne Breen, MD, a doctor of infectious diseases and researchers. SARS-COV-2, which is a virus that causes Covid-19 is known as an envelope virus, because it has protective outer skin. The hypochlor acid attacks the envelope, enters the cell, then disables the protein needed for the virus to survive, explains Dr. Breen.

If you are looking for a household cleaner featuring the acid, the strength of the starter kit ($ 56, forceofnaturelean.com) goes through the right electrolysis process on your counter, it kills 99.9% Germs, does not need to be wiped away, and is safe for children, “said Dr. Breen.

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Ways to use hypochloric acid

Although it is trends in the consumer market, hypochloric acid was already a pillar in the medical field. There are many hypochlorous acid products used by doctors in hospital settings to keep the surgery sites clean, says Dr. Schlessinger. It is used as disinfectant and as irrigating in surgery-meaning, as a solution to clean cuts, burns or open wounds. Because of its Covid-19 disinfection properties, it is used by health workers, especially when working around the mouth and nose, Dr. Madfes declare.