Why Is Food Nutrition Testing Important?

Why Is Food Nutrition Testing Important?

July 13, 2021 0 By Veronika

Food testing is regulated and most people do not know that. This is actually the last process involved in the regular food manufacturing chain. Even so, it is considered to be one of the most important since it determines if food is safe for use or not. At the same time, food nutrition testing is utilized to determine if quality is maintained and if a product actually includes what is claimed by the manufacturer.

Basically, food testing is vital for us. It guarantees that food does not include biological, chemical, or physical hazards. Some of the common food contaminants that can be mentioned are e-coli, salmonella, metals, additives, pesticides, and preservatives.

Understanding Food Testing

We can define food product testing as being a scientific food analysis. This includes contents. It is used because it offers information about important food characteristics, like composition, physiochemical properties, and structure. It is also done because of other reasons, like:

  • Testing product quality – This verifies manufacturer claims, like if specific ingredients are used or not.
  • Quality control – Testing is done after, during, or after manufacturing so that food ingredients’ quality is analyzed.
  • Food grading and inspection – This is regularly done to make sure that manufacturers are meeting the current standards and laws.
  • Dealing with rumors – When they appear, they can drastically ruin the reputation of the manufacturer. In such a situation, food testing is utilized to show that rumors are false.

All foods include standardized nutritional labels. They have to be properly analyzed to make sure that made claims are actually correct. Also, in research and development, manufacturers use food product testing to actively improve food quality.

How Is Food Tested?

As expected, food testing is possible with the use of several methods. They are all really advanced and aim to offer accurate information about food safety and nutritional value. The most common food testing methods used these days are:

  • Sensory testing – The most basic food testing method. It involves using human senses to determine food quality.
  • Analytical chemistry testing – This involves chemically separating different food components to then analyze them. The practice includes analyzing preservatives, additives, PH, contaminants, and more.
  • Microbiology testing – The analysis looks for microorganisms that contaminated the food. The testing can be done on the final product, ingredients, and raw materials.

How Does Testing Determine Food Nutrient Content?

Food testing involves nutrition analysis, which is a process that analyzes the nutrient content of food. This is a process that looks at the food’s molecular structure. It identifies components and concentration levels. When you look at the label with nutritional facts, this is the process that determines it and is often mandatory before the manufacturer can sell specific food products.

On the nutritional label, you see important things like carbohydrates, calories, proteins, vitamins, fibers, and sugar. Consumers need this information to choose foods that are healthier. It also helps to avoid the ingredients that people do not want to consume. As you can imagine, this part of food testing is very important in various cases, like when someone has a food allergy.