Tourists can now get a Covid-19 vaccine at Dracula Castle in Romania

Tourists can now get a Covid-19 vaccine at Dracula Castle in Romania

May 12, 2021 0 By Rajesh

If you are traveling through Romania and you have not been vaccinated, you now have the opportunity to get a Covid-19 vaccine and a fun story to be handed over. Officials in Romania have changed popular tourist attractions into vaccination sites, offering visitors the opportunity to get the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for free during their trip.

Bran Castle, iconic goals whose former residents may have inspired Dracula Novel Classic Bram Stoker, remains a popular tourist destination. What better way to vaccinate many people than making it a very comfortable and unique experience?

The Romanian government takes use of hot spots as a way to get more Romans vaccinated, according to the BBC. This country has seen around 1 million Covid-19 infections during a pandemic and around 29,000 deaths.

Nonetheless, vaccine public acceptance remains low in Romania, raising concerns about whether enough people will be vaccinated to curb the spread of the virus in the country. Vaccination efforts at Bran Castle will take place on weekends throughout May; It does not require an appointment and those who get a vaccine will be given a free entry to the castle exhibition.

This initiative offers Romania two potential benefits: this encourages people to vaccinate by giving them unique opportunities and can increase the number of tours when they remain very low. It still has to be seen whether unusual opportunities have proven popular with visitors.